Whether you like it or not...fall is right at your door! This means a scrumptious affair with the Apple family.I'm not talking about the Granny Smith or the Golden delicious but their equally exciting cousin: the Pears!
They come in many different varieties but when its fresh they surely are juicy and meaty! I happened to have a bucket of ripe pears and wedges of the "President" brie sitting on my fridge. They would make a good marriage with balsamic and honey reduction. Later on I added some cinnamon honey candied almond to give a little crunchy texture to our soft and warm friend. My husband named the sweet treat Bobob delight since its reminding him of the sweetness of Turkish delight and his wife kindness for making him one!
Remember adjust, reinvent, and be creative... there is no better thrill than a new culinary invention!

* The Superstars
* Couple of pears
* Brie
* Lemon juice from 1/2 lemon
* Brown Sugar
* Cinnamon
* Balsamic Vinegar
* 1 tbsp of butter/ margarine
* Honey
* Dash of salt
* The execution:
* Wash 3-4 Bartlett or Anjou pears, cut them in half and scoop up their core using
mellon baler or small spoon if you don't have one.
* Depending on the type of pear you can keep the skin or skin out.
* Preheat the oven at 400 F
* Put the pear on a pyrex dish, sprinkle with lemon juice, and
2-3 spoon of brown sugar.
* Slice brie thinly and layer them over the pear core
* Roast them with the core facing up so the brie will be melting, in the oven for
approximately 15-20 minutes
* I like to sprinkle some brown sugar and use a blowtorch to give crusty texture
once the pear is out of the oven. But its good as it is without any fancy maneuver
so dont worry!
* While you are waiting for the pear, you can toss some almonds ( a handful or two)
to the oven using a baking sheet
* Make sure you spread the almonds on the flat surface so they will be toasted
* While you wait for the almonds and pear to cook, pre heat a pan and melt 1 tbsp
of butter or margarine.
* Add 3 tbsp brown sugar and 2 tbsp of honey and dash of ground cinnamon.
* Simmer until the sugar is all combined and caramelized.
* The almond should take less than 20 minutes so check on min 15th.
* Take it out of the oven and sprinkle with salt lightly
* Drizzle half of the hot caramel sugar on top of almonds to make candied almonds,
let it cool in the fridge for a while to harden the sugars
* Put the half of other caramel back into the heat, pour in 5-6 tbsp of balsamic
vinegar and let it reduced.
* Use the balsamic vinegar reduction for the sauce.
Voila! enjoy your Little Warm Pear Affair!
Passion + Patience *Gastrobutterfly*A food to your soul.
Passion + Patience *Gastrobutterfly*A food to your soul.
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